I grew up in a family that didn't really "say" a whole lot of anything but meant so many different things. I got that gene. Often I think I am being crystal clear and then I see this bewildered look on the other person's face. How to say what I mean? It probably starts with knowing what I mean.
I think mixed messages come from lack of clarity in our desire. At this one moment in time I am angry. I assumed that someone would do something because I assumed that I had made my wishes clear. Apparently I did not. And I am angry with that person. But why? Was I really cryptic? Or was that person just not listening? Did I not follow through? Or is this just an attempt to get me to do the work - I always take over botched jobs because I can do it better myself?
I don't know what I want most of the time. It often looks as though I do. I am very good at appearing in control and "with it." But I don't know how to be happy. I don't know how to stand up for myself and I don't know what it is I want. The Ba'hai faith encourages an independent investigation of truth. Do the work. Find out what you want and what you believe. I am in the midst of that investigation and attempting to get comfortable with imbalance and searching. My revelation today was that I often look decisive and on point because I can make quick decisions. But those decisions are often made quickly so I don't have to be in a place of uncertainty. A place of chaos. At least my choices are made....period. It is unpleasant to live like that. Not many people really like change or imbalance. And I realize that I avoid it at all costs. So now I am angry. Because I didn't communicate my needs because I didn't know what they were and I expected someone else to figure it out for me.
A friend suggested I breathe or rant through this anger. Whichever one worked for me. I have done both. That was my rant which allowed me to breathe.
We are blessed, may we recognize the blessing
in peace
photo: Virgipix
"But I don't know how to be happy. I don't know how to stand up for myself and I don't know what it is I want."
seems pretty clear to me. I share some traits! ;-0
YOU are awesome... Express whatever:)
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